Buyer FAQs

How do I search for products on

  • Go to Ebizzmart.Com’s Home Page
  • In the search tab, write the name of the product you are looking for
  • Make sure you have selected ‘Products/Services’ in the category in front of the search tab
  • Click on the search button

Note: Add a relevant name with the specification to get the relevant product in search results.

  • You can find different categories of products belonging to different industries on the homepage of itself.
  • You can either click on all categories to view a larger list of product categories and select from them.
  • You can click on the industry to which the category belongs and select the category from that industry.
  • You can search for products in the tab and on the search result page, you can find related categories from where you can choose the category you wish to search products in. makes it easy for all the buyers to find sellers for their buying requirements. All you need to do is post your buying requirement and you can find top sellers of those products here.

The buying requirement that you post on is called your buying lead.